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How Customer Case Studies Can Be Used to Drive New Business

Happy customers aren’t just a nice thing to have, they are a valuable tool when it comes to driving new business. Potential new customers understand that you are never going to say anything bad about your law firm or your practice, and so they take all of the promises you make them with a grain of salt. In contrast, third parties are more likely to be honest, and so if a third party says wonderful things about your business, that testimonial will carry a lot more weight. 

Who better to say wonderful things about you than a previously satisfied customer?

We encourage all of our clients to invest in some key customer case studies. Case studies are fantastic content, and content marketing is a powerful way to drive new business. 

Here is how to do it:

  • Understand how testimonials and case studies differ

Case studies are not the same thing as testimonials. A testimonial is like a soundbite – it is a quick quote from a satisfied customer that essentially says “This law firm is fantastic, I adored working with them and trust them with all of my future legal issues”. A case study goes much deeper than that. A good case study has at least three parts: the problem, the solution, and the outcome. For example, a case study with a personal injury client could be summarized like this: “Maria missed two months of work following a car accident, and was struggling to pay the bills. Maria was not liable for her accident at all, and so our law firm was able to build a strong case. We gathered evidence and interfaced with the insurance company for her. In no time at all, we had secured a large settlement for her that allowed her to comfortably stay home and recover.” A case study paints a full picture, and in doing so it gives potential future clients something to relate to.

  • Work with your most satisfied customers to create case studies

You should always have your customer’s permission before writing a case study about them. Your goal should be to make them as comfortable as possible. We provide some details on how to do that in this blog post. When it comes to securing permission to use someone’s story, make sure that you explain your motivation for telling the story, why you chose them, and where the story will be used. 

  • Publish the case study on your website

All of your case studies should be hosted on your website. You want to make them easy to find. When it comes to driving new business, your goal should always be to attract new leads to your website. Once on your website, new leads are more likely to convert into prospects that your sales team can follow up with. 

  • Share the case study with the goal of driving people to your website

Case studies fall into the marketing content category, and content marketing is the practice of sharing high quality, valuable content in order to attract potential customers to your brand. Case studies can be shared on social media, in blog posts, and even in Google Ads. Just make sure not to toss out the baby with the bathwater. Instead, tease the case study in order to drive people back to your website to download or view the whole story. A great way to do that on social media is to tweet something like “Our legal team is committed to achieving fantastic outcomes for our clients. Find out how we helped one woman secure a lucrative settlement following a workplace discrimination case.” Just include a link back to the case study on your website, and you are on the way to converting leads and driving new business!

  • Leverage case studies later in the sales funnel

Case studies can be used to drive new leads, but then can also be used to convince existing leads to pull the trigger and work with your firm. If a client is considering your team for representation, but isn’t convinced, sharing a case study can be a fantastic way to assuage their fears and instill a sense of confidence in your legal practice. Keeping PDFs of key case studies on hand and ready to email out to potential clients who just need a little push is a fantastic practice.

So the next time a client of yours is satisfied with their representation, do not hesitate to ask them to participate in a case study! Strong case studies are incredibly powerful marketing tools.

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