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Bilingual Legal Digital Marketing Team Working

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Make The Most Of Your Bilingual Legal Digital Marketing Budget

Marketing can be expensive, and your law firm can waste a lot of capital with the wrong marketing strategy. The following information should help your firm get the most out of its bilingual legal digital marketing budget: Bilingual Legal Digital Marketing Team Working

1) Invest in SEO for your Spanish-language site.

As we mentioned in a previous blog, it’s important to create a dedicated Spanish-language website for your prospective Hispanic clients (as opposed to a translation of your English-language site). Once you launch your Spanish-language site, you need to get it a good search ranking. Given the complexities of Google’s search algorithm, it’s probably best to hire an expert Hispanic SEO agency to optimize your site and keep it optimized for Google’s frequent algorithm updates.

Perhaps nothing yields a greater ROI in digital marketing than SEO….digital marketing expert Neil Patel estimates that the return on SEO can be over 1000%! The returns can be even greater for a Spanish-language site since few law firms feature dedicated Spanish-language websites for their potential Hispanic clients.

2) Consider a PPC social media campaign.

As we discussed in another previous blog, pay per click social media campaigns can also be quite lucrative. You can target very narrow audiences with these campaigns…in our example, we showed how a personal injury law firm might target a young Hispanic laborer who was injured on the job.

PPC campaigns on social media can be used to generate leads, generate brand awareness, and even promote events. They can be tailored according to your budget, and your ads can be scheduled for times that your target audience is logged on in greatest numbers. According to a variety of sources, the ROI on PPC campaigns on social media can vary from 9% up to hundreds of percent.

3) Develop an organic social media following.

You can generate lots of Hispanic leads for your law firm by creating engagement on social media. By posting quality videos and written commentaries about legal issues that pertain to the Hispanic communities of your area, you can create a name for yourself and develop a following. 

According to the Pew Research Center, Hispanics are more likely to refer their friends and family members to businesses than any other demographic group. If you make a positive impact on social media, your Hispanic followers will likely refer people to you when a legal need arises.

In terms of dollars, the ROI of social media community development is nearly infinite, as it costs next to nothing to post. However, creating the type of engagement you need to attract new Hispanic clients requires a lot of time and effort. For this endeavor, you should think of ROI in terms of sweat equity.

The bottom line.

Law firms can lose a lot of money choosing the wrong marketing paths, but, executed correctly, bilingual digital marketing campaigns can generate a terrific ROI for law firms like yours.

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