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4 Ways to Boost Your Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy in 2021

Things are slowly getting back to normal after a tumultuous year – but is your marketing strategy still in a slump? With the massive influx of changes that are becoming apart of the “new normal,” the traditional marketing tactics you once so heavily relied on might just not be cutting it anymore.

It may feel like your business is in a rut after scrambling just to survive a year of COVID uncertainty. However, after the rain, there is always sunshine! Now is the time to revamp and rethink your entire approach to marketing. 

But, where do you start? 

In order to help you think outside the box in regards to all the ways you can build your brand presence, we’ve rounded up the top 4 tips to help boost your legal marketing strategy in the upcoming year. 

Host Webinars 

People want an outlet that enables them to learn things at their own convenience. If you host live webinars, record them, and send the recording to your registrants (even if they didn’t attend), your potential clients will turn to you as a trusted advisor on all things in the legal realm. 

If you invest about an hour of your week setting up and hosting a consistently scheduled webinar, you’re sure to stay top of mind within your community.

Services such as GotoWebinar make it easy to set up your event. You can also segment your email lists into existing clients and leads and offer a special promotion for webinar attendees who may become potential clients in the future (i.e. a free consultation or a discounted first-time rate).

Speak at Conventions

Take the plunge and conquer the fear around public speaking!

It may seem like an impossible feat to more introverted lawyers, but becoming a well-known public speaker at events such as Brain SoCal and the Annual Marketing Partner Forum will carve your position as an authoritative voice in the legal field. 

Think of creative ways you can position your specific value proposition and write thought-provoking speeches in and around your areas of promise. This will come easier as you think, as you’re already a pro in what you know! 

Turn Your Team Members into Thought Leaders

It’s not only important for you to be the face of your firm, but also to cultivate a team environment that produces brand evangelists that can also spread the gospel. 

Encourage your team to share your blog posts, promote events and webinars, and have a place at the table during relevant conversations across social platforms. This way, your marketing efforts will be amplified with increased engagement and exposure. 

If your team members feel comfortable doing so, let your social media manager queue up promotional posts not only for your main business accounts but the accounts of your customer-facing crew as well. That way, there will be consistency across accounts and platforms – and your team wont even have to think about it!

Hone in Your Networking Skills

As the old adage goes: aim for quality over quantity. 

You may have an expansive rolodex full of connections, but how many of the people in your network add value to your end-goal? 

In regards to networking, it’s important to remember that working smarter as opposed to harder is key. You don’t have to break your back connecting with every person at every event; instead, do research ahead of time to target the specific people you want to have discussions with and book time on their calendar to make the most out of the opportunity. Cut through the clutter and know what you’re trying to accomplish with your network before expanding it. This way, you’ll have more qualified leads to nurture into returning clients. 

Closing Thoughts 

Now is the time to think about where your legal marketing strategy stands, and where you want to take it within the next year. With the right connections, exposure, and brand evangelists, you can amplify your existing tactics and repurpose them into something greater. 

Revitalizing your entire marketing strategy might seem like a daunting concept; but with these actionable tips, you can implement road-tested strategies immediately and see results today. 

What’s been working for your legal firm’s marketing strategy?

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